I have arrived at this decision through some hard-fought self-actualization. There was such a solid response to the post, The Rebirth (which if you haven’t yet read, please do so) due to its overflowing enthusiasm and originality that the post Guess Who's Back was a tad on the boring side…maybe. Okay, Guess Who’s Back was definitely news worthy, but it was quite the typical piece one could find almost anywhere (not openSermo worthy).
At openSermo we are still discovering our proper footing (live 1 month); considering our free time or lack there-of, we now realize we must focus on the quality of our pieces and not quantity of pieces. Forthcoming we plan to only write about the topics that are mentally busting from the seams. This new strategy will cause us to have an infrequent and sporadic posting schedule (case now?), perhaps only a few posts per month (a few hard to deny amazingly good posts per month). So please do not despair, we are finding our way.
This is our pledge and I hope you feel it…
Email subscription here.
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