Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Story

Sometime not long ago, Ethan had an epiphany of sorts. A realization in fact, that mainstream TV news broadcasts blew fat elephant trunk. Come to think of it, Ethan didn't even watch any broadcast news, because every time he built up the courage to tune in, it was the same rubbish, “Blood, death, top of the hour...thanks for tuning in...hope your day was good!" These dreadful fear mongering robo anchors with their poor reporting metrics have overwhelmingly infected our TV news broadcast arena.

Ethan was sick of the fear mongering robo anchors, poor metrics and puppets. So instead of just sitting on the sidelines and complaining, Ethan decided to create his own Network, one that would help school the world and aid the broadbased present day rebirth of the News (small goals). This so-called rebirth has been growing strong as of recent, fueled by low barriers to entry, cheap computing power, widespread broadband and a bunch of creative potatoes (to be discussed in an upcoming post) who are making a bunch of creative services and products. All that was left was a name…

It was a name and not just any name Ethan needed, but a most sticky name. A sticky name that would help convey his corest intentions: lively, engaging, all encompassing discussion about blazing issues and world on-goings; active and open participation; the avoidance of trifling conversation (mouthful?). But Ethan was having difficulty discovering his shiny sticky meaningfully intelligent name; he kept wandering back to the two words open and discussion. But openDiscussion was not nearly sexy enough. So Ethan spent a few minutes perusing the internet's Latin dictionaries and stumbled upon 'Sermo'.

Hooray! And openSermo was born.


Anonymous said...

Dude, this site is really low budget, but it has some good point.